Support Single Mothers!

When Congress was debating the bailout, CODEPINK was on the front lines in the halls of Congress, the streets of Wall Street and the front steps of the Treasury Department saying “Bail out Main Street, not Wall Street.”

*Update* Jocelyne Voltaire is working with an amazing lawyer to make sure she stays in her home. The generosity of CODEPINK members across the country was overwhelming and demonstrated the care and compassion that our government has not.

Just look at the case of Jocelyne Voltaire, a single mother who had lived in her Queens Village home since 1987. Her home was scheduled for auction on October 17. There was no government bailout for Jocelyne. Instead, compassionate Americans from all over the country donated to CODEPINK to save Jocelyne's home.

Read more about Jocelyne and Main Street Bailout!
CNN: CODEPINK Bails Out Mother!
Commondreams Article on CODEPINK's Rescue
Op-ed: Time for a Taxpayer's Revolt

We are putting pressure on Congress and other elected officials to address the crisis through tough financial regulations, bankruptcy law reforms helping homeowners prevent foreclosure, direct government aid to mortgagees, a tax on the financial industry to pay for the bailout, and a strong, job-creating economic stimulus package. 
(Click here to download: A Sensible Plan for Recovery put out by the institute for policy studies)

No Bailouts for the Banks!

We were representing the vast majority of Americans, who knew, perhaps instinctively, that Secretary Henry Paulson's demand for $700 billion taxdollars was designed to help wealthy financiers, not average Americans.

Sure enough, we were right. The passage of the bailout package-—supported by elected Democrats and Republicans alike—did nothing to calm the crisis and certainly has not stemmed the massive tide of foreclosures.