October 6, 2006


What: Movie screening of The Ground Truth, or Iraq for Sale

When: Anytime in October (special conference calls with the directors, CODEPINK co-founders, and Iraq War Vets are available October 11 and 14)

Where: Your house, pizza parlor, community center, church, library, or school

Why: To show your friends and neighbors the truth of what's happening in Iraq, build your local CODEPINK community, and gather more Peace Pledges for our Give Peace a Vote Campaign

SPECIAL OFFER! If you buy The Ground Truth, we'll send you Iraq for Sale for Free! Order now — this is a limited offer!

Patricia Foulkrod spent two years creating The Ground Truth, which the Los Angeles times hails as "a thoughtful, sensitive film, perhaps the most emotionally wrenching of all the Iraq documentaries." The Village Voice calls Robert Greenwald's film, Iraq for Sale, "a trenchant indictment of war profiteering in Iraq and a memorial for those not included in the military's death toll."

Get one or both DVDs for your house party today!

Here are 6 easy steps to planning your inspiring and informative gathering:

1. Click here to order your DVD
2. Pick a date and location to host your party
3. Sign up to host a house party on the our website
4. Register your house party on the movie's website: Iraq for Sale, OR The Ground Truth
5. Invite your friends and local activist groups. Consider adding these three awesome treats to your invite:

6. Prep your event space with pink banners, boas, pink lemonade, and print out Give Peace a Vote sign up forms

If you are unable to host a house party, you can see if one is already planned in your community by checking the Iraq for Sale, Ground Truth, and Give Peace A Vote websites.

During a time when two new polls show the Iraqis want US troops out of their country yet Congress unanimously voted to allocate 70 billion dollars for the war in Iraq, we need to ramp up the pressure and let our current candidates know we will not allow such injustice to continue. Our house parties will raise awareness and create community during the month of October so we'll be organized and energized and ready to make change during the November elections. Please join us—together we'll inspire our communities to create a more just and peaceful future.

Party on, Peacemakers!